celery tagged posts

True Brew: The Stock

This blog had already made the two most famous brews: coffee and tea. The one item that is mostly used in cooking is the stock chicken stock, beef stock, fish stock, vegetable stock…. or is it broth? Stock or broth? Is it different? The terminology stock and broth can be confusing not only to the daily household user, but also chefs all over the world. It is actually said that many languages do not have two different words for those two definitions. Even here in the US, the Department of Agriculture, for its purposes, uses the words interchangeably and does not define them as being different. In a few culinary schools define them different but are they? Well technically there are different at least in my book. According to the webster dictionary:

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Family Ties: Carrot Slaw

Although it is more suitable for the summer since it is a cold dish with punchy flavor this slaw can be definitely a compliment to any holiday dish, since its sweetness and flavor can back up everything, from casseroles to steaks and from veggies to fish. It is as simple as it gets, not only in regards to the ingredients but also i regards to the technique and process.

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